Manifesting with True Alignment

Hello Connect Balance Grow Seekers

Happy Friday magnificent ones! Have you ever said yes to something that was truly in alignment with the best & highest version of yourself & then witnessed the synchronicities the Universe sends you to support you? I have had a week like this & it’s been blissfully magical. I asked for this exact experience in our meditation & manifestation call in the Fully Lit Mastermind earlier this month & the way it has unfolded is amazing.

I think this can be the part that we sometimes misunderstand when it comes to the whole manifesting thing. If what we ask for is truly in alignment for us & we meet the Universe half way by taking committed action it can make it’s way to us with such grace & ease.

Working with my community this week has been super special! We held our third online Sacred Circle unlocking the Keys to Self-Worth exploring belonging & self-value. It was a powerful experience & I feel so grateful that I said yes to remembering how to step into the role of Sacred Circle Holder. In the CGB Connection Facebook Group we have been learning about, clearing & balancing the Heart & Small Intestine Meridians as well as supporting & sharing with each other.

It’s been a bumper week in clinic. We have worked with depression, spiritual & personal vibration, stress, re-balancing, digestive stress & anxiety, fear & grief, energy levels, hunger, directional purpose & power. “I am always supported”, “I choose people & events that support my healing” & “I attract loving people & situations into my life” were the Core Beliefs & Universal Concepts that presented as themes this week.

Take care, enjoy the rest of your Friday & be fantastically kind.